SJC Seven Day Challenge
This simple seven (7) day business development challenge is designed to help entrepreneurs and MSMEs to identify and focus on seven mission-critical ways to improve their business.
Sade N. Jemmott
Let's stay connected!
Before we begin...
Expiry Notice
DOWNLOAD: SJC Challenge Workbook
Why does your who want your what?
Engage the SJC Community on Day 1's Challenge
Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-based.
Engage the SJC Community on Day 2's Challenge
...but what is the strategy?
Engage the SJC Community on Day 3's Challenge
You DON'T have to do it all
Engage the SJC Community on Day 4's Challenge
Is it right?
Engage the SJC Community on Day 5's Challenge
How do we get there?
Engage the SJC Community on Day 6's Challenge
Where are we going?
Engage the SJC Community on Day 7's Challenge
Congrats! Here's what's next...
Your Referral Code
Feedback is ALWAYS Welcome :)
Need more support? Book a Discovery Call
More Resources for You
Before you go...
Remember to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
I guide you through exercises designed to help you better assess and address key business concerns such as: value proposition, goal setting, strategic partnerships, main priorities, pricing, your sales process and basic 3 year plan. All you need to do is:
Watch, read and/or download your daily lesson.
You have 24 hours to assess the challenge of the day and using the guidance provided, address your current approach, as necessary.
Engage with me and your peers each day in the discussion forum for additional support, resources or a simple second opinion.
For a limited time only, get 50% off this course when you use promo code: 7BLK20